Mobile Autonomous Systems
and Cognitive Robotics


Rendering von Volumendaten in Virtual Reality mit der HTC Vive

Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) techniques are used to visualize surfaces from 3D volume data sets without computing a 3D geometry. Several surfaces can be classified using a transfer function by mapping data values to color and opacity (RGBalpha). To find a good transfer function with the aim to separate specific structures from the volume data set is in general a manual, exhausting, and time-consuming procedure and requires detailed knowledge of the data and the image acquisition technique. We develop a new interactive Virtual Reality (VR) application to load, modify and save the transfer function in real time while continuously interacting and rendering the 3D volume through GPU-based ray casting shader.


Here is a set of stereoscopic videos that allow you to get a first impression of what ReVolVR looks like. The videos can all be viewed with a simple cardboard headset and your mobile phone.